Sunday, May 3, 2009

my experience with blogging and the future classroom

My experience with blogging so far has been good but I don't know if I will use this tool very much in my future classroom. I like the concept of having a space to share ideas with other people who are in the same situations, and it could be useful with other teachers because it would provide an opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other about lesson plans and the class materials however I don't know if I would use it beyond that. I know that some classrooms have websites which I think could be useful for parents to know what is going on in their child's class, however the problem that I have been having with blogging is remembering to do it on a consistent basis. It is easy to push blogging to a later time and not always follow through especially when there is a lot of things to do. This would make it hard as a teacher because I will be busy and the blogging will not be on the top of my list of things to do.

One issue I have been thinking about in terms of blogging and websites, is that sometimes parents are over-involved and it does not teach students to learn how to responsible on their own. Using technology to communicate with parents and students will be very helpful, however sometimes it can create problems with parents being too involved and it does not teach students how to handle certain issues on their own. So I am kind of torn with the technology that is availabe because I think teachers can use it in their classrooms to make things more easier, however it brings up new challenges that teachers in the past did not have to face. I was reading an article the other day and it mentioned "helicopter parents", which basically are parents who are over protective and hover which means that a blog or tool similar to blogs, might cause more tension with parents and create more challenges inside the classroom.

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