Friday, March 13, 2009

Blog- Chalk

The movie Chalk was very entertaining to watch and I thought it was a great way to introduce problems that teachers deal with but in a way that we could relate to. Personally, my school was not like the one in the film however the exaggeration of the different types of teachers and students made Chalk hilarious to watch. For example, the first year teacher who was previously in computer science and now teaching history was kind of similar to some math teachers I had, who I'm sure they were smart in the subject but did not relate to the students very well and had trouble teaching the material because they couldn't connect to the students. I think that when a teacher is passionate about the subject that is definitely important, but the teacher must also have a passion for teaching and working with kids. The first year teacher had a lot of problems because the students didn't respect him and even though those situations were funny to watch it is true that kids know when a teacher isn't very passionate about helping the kids learn.

The school was very chaotic and not very professional and was helpful in showing what not to do while teaching even though some of it was kind of obvious. The teacher who just wanted to be teacher of the year crossed boundaries and the gym teacher was not very open to other people's suggestions. The students would not be able to learn in this school environment because the teachers didn't handle any problems with behavior in a way that would teach the students and the first year teacher who just gave definitions everyday did not challenge his students and created a classroom that was boring. I thought that Chalk was very interesting to watch and it was kind of like The Office but for teachers which made the film very entertaining to watch.

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